Richiesta nulla osta per l'iscrizione al Corso di Laurea in International Medical School IMS D56 AA 2023 2024

<p style="text-align:center"><strong>PLEASE NOTE</strong></p> <p>To access the platform for the first time click on &quot;<strong>INIZIA NUOVA RICHIESTA&quot; or &quot;START NEW REQUEST&quot;. Then, click on &quot;IDENTIFICATI&quot; and choose &quot;Registrati al portale come utente esterno&quot;, following the instructions.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><u>For the following logins,</u> you can access&nbsp;using username and password already registered, choosing &quot;Utente esterno&quot; as &quot;Tipo utente&quot;. </strong></p> <p><strong><u>To view your own request</u>, please click on &quot;LOGIN TO YOUR REQUEST&quot; or &quot;ACCEDI ALLE TUE RICHIESTE&quot;, then &quot;IDENTIFICATI&quot; and use the&nbsp;choosed&nbsp;username and password.</strong></p> <p><span style="color:#ff0000"><strong><em>The form&rsquo;s instructions are available in Italian or English language: please switch to the preferred version using the Italian or UK flag in the right top corner of the web page. Irrespective of your choice, you are always required to upload the due documents in English language.</em></strong></span></p> <p>To fill in the form you have to enter your data in all the sections, except for the optional sections. Before proceeding to the following section, please click on the &laquo;<strong>SAVE AND GO AHEAD</strong>&raquo; button. The form must be completed in all its sections, if not otherwise indicated.</p> <p>Once <strong>completed</strong> the form, it will be possible to <strong>view and print a summary</strong> of all the data and proceed to the automatic forwarding to the office in charge. The platform will send the following two communications to the e-mail address indicated in the form:</p> <ul> <li>Notice of correct forwarding of the request</li> <li>Communication of the registration number of the request</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;Please consider that these e-mails could end up in your spam folder.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p style="margin-left:7px; margin-right:7px"><span style="font-size:11pt">Transfer applications require payment of a <strong>&euro;75.00 fee</strong>.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt">&nbsp; This fee must be paid <strong>by bank transfer</strong> using the following bank details:</span></p> <p style="margin-left:8px"><span style="font-size:11pt">Recipient: Universit&agrave; degli Studi di Milano</span></p> <p style="margin-left:8px; margin-right:328px"><span style="font-size:11pt">IBAN code: IT97G0306909400000000463971 BBAN code: GG0306909400000000463971 SWIFT code: BCITITMMXXX</span></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="font-size:11pt">The payment reference <strong>must include</strong>:</span></p> <ul> <li><span style="font-size:11pt">Name and surname of the applicant</span></li> <li><span style="font-size:11pt">The selection for which you are applying (e.g. Polo Centrale D51)</span></li> </ul> <p><span style="font-size:11pt">Please attach the payment receipt to your transfer application, otherwise your application will not be deemed as valid.</span></p> <p style="margin-left:7px; margin-right:7px"><span style="font-size:11pt"><strong><span style="font-size:18.0pt"><span style="color:red">NB: </span></span>Applicants wishing to participate in more than one selection must make a separate bank transfer for each of their transfer applications.</strong></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Please consider the following documents must not exceed as a whole 20MB and must be uploaded in pdf/A format during the online application.</strong></p> <p style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>For students or graduated enrolled in Italian Universities </strong></span></p> <p style="text-align:center"><u><strong>(Candidates not&nbsp;enrolled in programmes taught in english cannot apply for transfer)</strong></u></p> <p>1) <strong>Self-certificate of degree or year of enrollment and status (in corso or ripetente), list of passed exams with grades</strong>, credits and SSD (Settori Scientifico Disciplinari) and list of attended courses whose exams are not passed yet. Available at the following link:&nbsp;<a href="" target="blank"></a></p> <p>2) <strong>Detailed program </strong>of the courses already attended and/or succesfully passed <strong>on University&rsquo;s letterhead</strong>;</p> <p>3) <strong>Full study plan</strong> of the degree course <strong>on University&rsquo;s letterhead</strong>;</p> <p>4) <strong>Valid identity document&nbsp;</strong>(one file for the ID card front side - format jpg or jpeg; one file for the ID card back side - format jpg or jpeg);</p> <p>5) <strong>Only for foreign citizens</strong> requesting transfer to the third year onwards: <strong>Italian language proficiency certificate at least B2</strong> Level (CEFR)</p> <p>6) screenshot 75&nbsp;euro appliying&nbsp;fee paid on IBAN - Code IBAN IT97G0306909400000000463971 - BBAN code GG0306909400000000463971 - Swift Code BCITITMMXXX</p> <p style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>For students enrolled in foreign Universities&nbsp;</strong></span></p> <p style="text-align:center"><u><strong>(Candidates not&nbsp;enrolled in programmes taught in english cannot apply for transfer)</strong></u></p> <p>These documents must be on the University&rsquo;s letterhead, with an official stamp and signature, translated into Italian, or provided in English, French, Spanish or German:</p> <p>1)<strong> Official certificate of degree or enrolment</strong><strong>, including:</strong></p> <ul> <li>&nbsp;<strong>year of enrolment</strong> and language of the course (mandatory English)</li> <li>&nbsp;<strong>list of successfully</strong> passed exams with grades and universities credits (ECTS or equivalent)</li> <li>&nbsp;<strong>attendances for the courses</strong> whose exams are not passed yet</li> </ul> <p>2) <strong>Detailed program </strong>of the courses already attended and/or succesfully passed;</p> <p>3) <strong>Full study plan</strong> of the degree course&nbsp;<strong>on University&rsquo;s letterhead</strong>;</p> <p>4) <strong>Valid identity document </strong>(one file for the ID card front side - format jpg or jpeg; one file for the ID card back side - format jpg or jpeg);</p> <p>5) <strong>Only for foreign citizens </strong>requesting transfer to the third year onwards: <strong>Italian language proficiency certificate at least B2 </strong>Level (CEFR)</p> <p>6) screenshot 75&nbsp;euro appliying&nbsp;fee paid on IBAN - Code IBAN IT97G0306909400000000463971 - BBAN code GG0306909400000000463971 - Swift Code BCITITMMXXX</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>