STUDENT accident - road accident documents submitting form

<p><strong><em>The form&rsquo;s instructions are available in Italian or English language: please switch to the preferred version using the Italian or UK flag in the right top corner of the web page. Irrespective of your choice, you are always required to upload the due documents in English language.</em></strong></p> <p>To fill in the form you have to enter your data in all the sections, except for the optional sections. Before proceeding to the following section, please click on the &laquo;<strong>SAVE AND GO AHEAD</strong>&raquo; button. The form must be completed in all its sections, if not otherwise indicated.</p> <p>Once&nbsp;<strong>completed</strong>&nbsp;the form, it will be possible to&nbsp;<strong>view and print a summary</strong>&nbsp;of all the data and proceed to the automatic forwarding to the office in charge. The platform will send the following two communications to the e-mail address indicated in the form:</p> <ul> <li>Notice of correct forwarding of the form</li> <li>Communication of the registration number of the form</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;Please consider that these e-mails could end up in your spam folder.</p> <p>TTACHMENTS: please consider that to succesful complete this report&nbsp;it is necessary to upload the documents listed below:</p> <ol> <li>driver&#39;s license FRONT side (PDF; max 5 MB)</li> <li>driver&#39;s license BACK side (PDF; max 5 MB)</li> <li>first aid documents (PDF; max 5 MB)</li> </ol>