Application for candidates with disabilities

Application for candidates with disabilities

In order to ensure equal opportunities during the admission test, candidates may request specific aids.

For this purpose, applicants are required to fill in an application in our online system, following the guideline below:

  • Enter in “Start a new request” and then “Identify”
  • If you are already registered in our online system, you can use your own username and password. Log in and fill in your application.
  • If you are applying for the first time, you should register though the link “REGISTRATI AL PORTALE COME UTENTE ESTERNO”, add some personal details, get a username and create a password.

You don’t need to do it all at once, you can save your progress and sign back in anytime. It’s mandatory to complete each section during the application. See if you need to make any edits, then mark it as complete and save it. Once you’ve marked all previous sections as complete, you’ll be able to read a resume before confirm your data and send it to our office.

You’ll then be able to move on to the final section in which you’ll be required to attach:

  • A valid medical evidence: a certificate of legal disability and/or acknowledgement of status of handicap under law 104/92 (issued by the National Health Service or accredited specialists or facilities). Regarding the measures adopted in order to counter the spread of Covid-19 virus, applications can be submitted (within the deadline for admission) also uploading a not updated certification of status of handicap under law 104/92 or of civil invalidity. Required and revised documents should be delivered in a second moment.
  • A valid identity document (Both front and back side)


After submission of the online form, a copy of the application can be saved.


If you want to opt for more than one course, you should list them in the specific area.

Our contacts: Cosp – Ufficio Servizi per studenti con disabilità