<p>WARNING: <strong>Applicants who access for the first time</strong> the online module <strong>AFTER THIS SCREEN MUST CLICK ON &ldquo;START NEW APPLICATION&rdquo; AND NEXT &ldquo;IDENTIFY YOURSELF&rdquo;.</strong> Afterwards, <strong>IN THE IDENTIFICATION SCREEN, APPLICANTS MUST CLICK ON &ldquo;REGISTER AS EXTERNAL USER&rdquo; and register as per the instructions.</strong></p> <p><strong><u>From the second access onwards</u></strong>, <strong>you can use the</strong> <strong>login and password chosen</strong> during registration, <strong>making sure to select &ldquo;External user&rdquo; as the &ldquo;Type of user&rdquo;</strong>.</p> <p><strong><u>To access your applications</u></strong>, <strong>just click on &ldquo;ACCESS YOUR APPLICATIONS&rdquo;</strong>, at the top right and <strong>log in with the credentials you have previously chosen. </strong></p> <p>During the compilation of the module, each field must be filled out, unless otherwise specified. Before moving from a section to the next, you must click the <strong>Save and continue</strong> button. The module must be filled out in a single session, else all entered data will be lost.</p> <p>Once the <strong>compilation</strong> is <strong>complete</strong>, you will be able to view and print a summary of the data you have entered. Your application will automatically be forwarded to the relevant office. The system will send two communications to the institutional address indicated in the form:</p> <ol> <li>notification of receipt of application;</li> <li>communication containing the protocol registration number of the submitted application.</li> </ol> <p>Such communications may be delivered to spam folder, since spam filters can work on inbound emails.</p> <p>WARNING: Please not that before the submission of the online module, the applicant must compulsorily, unless otherwise specified, attach the following documents in PDF format:</p> <ol> <li>curriculum vitae in Italian (PDF format, max 5 MB);</li> <li>academic/research /working career Unimi (optional; PDF format, max 5 MB);</li> <li>motivation letter (PDF format, max 5 MB);</li> <li>certificate of attendance/language proficiency&nbsp;(PDF format, max 5 MB);</li> <li>personal photo&nbsp;(formato jpg o jpeg o tif; max 5 MB)</li> </ol> <p><strong>N.B: in the Validation section, upload the scanned PDF of the <u>entire</u> application printed and signed along with a valid identity document:</strong></p> <ol> <li>front copy of their identity card&nbsp;(formato PDF; max 5 MB);</li> <li>back copy of their identity card&nbsp;(formato PDF; max 5 MB)</li> </ol> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>Relevant Department: University Language Centre &ndash; SLAM</strong></p>